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KJS607 last won the day on October 17 2021

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  1. Looks like an error in my data input when updating the Trent 1000. This is now resolved.
  2. Hi all! I kept a log of any aircraft requests separate from the main forums or this platform, so please don't re-post any requests you have already, that have been lost in the forum recovery. Any previously made requests are being worked on. Thank you.
  3. Hi all! I kept a log of any airport requests separate from the main forums or this platform, so please don't re-post any requests you have already, that have been lost in the forum recovery. Any previously made requests are being worked on. Thank you.
  4. Fab to hear, this is definitely something I'd like to see myself
  5. I'll find a way to separate them to avoid confusion at some point
  6. I'd like to hear @sviridovt 's word on this one, but personally, I don't see it happening.
  7. Yes, I'm working on having one of the most extensive and comprehensive aircraft options out there for an airline simulation platform. (Watch out AE)
  8. The following aircraft have now been added: Boeing 757 757-200 HGW (ER) 757-300 757-300 HGW (already in-game by corrected name and data set)
  9. That sounds fabulous and I'm excited for 0.2
  10. I think it would be fair to allow people to be on their own, should it not work correctly, but it would be an extremely helpful feature
  11. The following aircraft have now been added: Boeing 707 707-320C Boeing 717 717-200BGW (already in-game but corrected name and data set) Boeing 727 727-200 Douglas DC-10 DC-10-15 DC-10-30 DC-10-40
  12. Those ideas sound fantastic and should actually allow a level of control over people trying to create a spamline by doing questionable activity
  13. Would it be possible to do this maybe for only aircraft within the same aircraft family (as they will most likely have best identical speed and close turnaround times)
  14. Once we are in a place where reputation actually matters when competing with other carriers, it's definitely something that would set ASW apart
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