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  3. Glad to know I didn't cause issues Good that you explain what caused the issues and the technical side So far, I am having a good impression of that game, and hope you'll be able to bring it to its full potential Good Luck!
  4. Yep, Arcade worlds were added in the end of last year so did not exist in 2022.
  5. I should also mention that forums currently runs on a separate server, something that I also want to address with this migration as it's quite pricey as a result of maintaining 2 servers.
  6. You didn't crash the server I did, I'm currently in the process of migrating to a better service and working on testing some changes to improve operations on the new server (given the costs involved with provisioning the new server since I'm paying for 3 years forward I do want to avoid getting it until it's ready) and one of the setup steps messed up the networking configurations for LXC (current containerization we're using) so that the sim couldn't connect to the internet, which the sim is required to connect to forums for authentication
  7. World B X is frozen again. I hope I didn't crash the server by doing so many changes over a short period of time
  8. That'd also make the game more hospitable for airlines based in small countries and countries that don't have big metropolitan areas. Hopefully, this change will encourage more even spread of home countries for airlines, instead of almost every single airline choosing one of the following: Canada, the USA, China PR, Germany, España,France, the UK or Japan And I don't blame the players for choosing to be based especially in these countries. While currently, there isn't enough volume to cause it, in larger games, like Airlines Empires, this can lead to a market becoming so saturated that nobody new can operate there while making decent income However, I can see it making somewhat of a paradox: From one end: This might split the Passengers into classes by intention of flighing: 1. Tourism 2. Businness 3. Luxury But: Passengers don't arbitrarily assign themselves into Classes, Classes are a dynamic and relative division, not absolute. This means that passengers decide which class to fligh with based on the price and quality of the options While it's easy to predict that the luxury passengers will want luxury, the expectations of Business and Tourism passengers vary much more This can be seem chaotic for some players, specially without proper explanation
  9. From experience on Airlines Empires, I do apriciate knowing what markets are already served and what aren't yet, so I can base myself at the underserved area The first time I played ASW, Oblivious to the fact that nobody on that server based themselves in Italy, Mexico, India, Pakistan or Indonesia And nobody active in France, I decided to base myself at Latvia, which besides RIX, doesn't have airports that yield good demand, even with HND, which meant that I could have a really limited profit from routes that don't take advantage of the EU open skies agreement I wish to have known sooner that Italy, Mexico, India, Pakistan, Indonesia and France bring little to no competition on the server I meant to join So Yes, You're not the only one of doesn't want to creat a "Test airline" just to see what areas are served and what are underserved in the server you're about to join On worlds with no political restrictions, the "Home country" and "HQ" are just official, while in worlds with political restriction, where you're based matters a lot. I also wish that France's and the Netherlands' overseas territories would count as parts of France and the Netherland Respectively in the Political Restrictions
  10. Yes! I love this idea! This idea could make otherwise low-demand routes viable It'd make the game more hospitable for those who base themselves at countries with no very dense metropolitan areas, like Ethiopia or vietnam
  11. Today, there's an arcade world that has no political restrictions
  12. Do you suggest being able to profit from the lounges?
  13. You seem to love the idea of a luxury airline
  14. can you let us know when this happens
  15. @Dua Lipa Corporation I am aware that you have your own Alliance and Lufthansa but I am requesting for Lufthansa and that you join Star Alliance and we can go back to our old ways
  16. Star Alliance is Starting in Arcade 2 and I am requesting that everyone in Arcade 1 Star Alliance join and our forum alliance. This alliance i one I want to grow throughout Airsim and expand to the future
  17. Hello everyone I was recently away on vacation but im back now with Lufthansa for Arcade 2 and Etihad for Arcade 2
  18. Earlier
  19. The server has been restarted and has recovered
  20. We invite all airlines to join SkyTeam Alliance in Arcade II. SkyTeam is a worldwide alliance with airlines from 5 continents that aims to unite air travel all over the world. SkyTeam has some of the most influential, prestigious, and powerful airlines such as Singapore Airlines, Emirates Airlines, Japan Airlines, Air India, Lufthansa, British Airways, Aeroflot, Dua Lipa Airways, Air China, and more. These airlines provide service to millions of people annually and seek to unite the world with a network of luxurious, punctual, and amazing airlines. Holders of SkyTeam's loyalty program have access to all lounges, airlines, classes, early boarding, and seats offered by all airlines in SkyTeam. Whether it is a visit to the Singapore Airlines KrisFlyer lounge in Singapore Changi Intl or Emirates First Class Lounge in Dubai, holders of the SkyTeam Loyalty Card are welcome everywhere! Points are redeemable across all airlines in SkyTeam. Join SkyTeam now. Caring more about you. https://prod.airsim.world/alliances/322/
  21. Good callout, I'll pin it in the game discussion category. These restrictions/agreements are not time based iirc.
  22. That's nice. Europe should be a bit calmer, especially all the smaller countries. Seems like you're new, so that's a good starting point. I right now have two airlines, one in India (which is busy eventually), and one in South Africa. I'm hoping I can take take the whole African market soon since there is pretty much 0 competition there.
  23. Arcade II has stopped progressing (time stopped) and all flights I schedule have no passengers.
  24. That's a post important to pin, since it's a comprehensive list of all political restrictions. When do each open skies agreement take effect?
  25. Therefore I'd reccomend to build big terminals for airports you use a lot
  26. Context: I've started 5 days ago in a B X world as a latvian airline. The ingame time is before the EU existed, so everyflight I have must have its head or its tail in Latvia
  27. Alright! Thank you! BTW, I am playing as a latvian airline with pre-EU political restrictions, so I try to make the most out of the Latvian airports there are
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