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  3. No, but I do hope to be able to get those back in a few months. Have a somewhat hectic work schedule that limits my ability to work on this.
  4. Have connections come back yet?
  5. Earlier
  6. I looked through the portal and accidentally saw this. Disgrace Where to write to have it deleted [url=td-zks.ru]debauchery[/url] [url=td-zks.ru] CENSORED with horses[/url] is this normal? Translation
  7. Заглянула портал и случайно увидела это. Срамота Куда писать чтоб удалили [url=td-zks.ru]разврат[/url] [url=td-zks.ru]Секс с лошадьми[/url] это нормально разве?
  8. there is none, sviridovt said that unions were planned but never implemented
  9. I have seen it saying “There is currently no pilot’s union in your airline.” I was wondering what makes them get created, and when.
  10. It is fixed, thanks
  11. Yep, forgot to unpause, should be fixed now
  12. I don’t think that time is progressing in Arcade III
  13. World Arcade III Timeframe: 2020-2200 Starting Money: $10 Million World Speed: 7 Days/30 Minutes Difficulty/Rules: Arcade, no political restrictions or aircraft release dates.
  14. Yes, for World B there are realistic aircraft manufacture dates.
  15. i don't live in san diego might you be able to fly to anchorage alaska to helpt me?
  16. just wanna know b4 I get like banned for something just because i have 2 accounts and 1 used to be from somebody else
  17. Me, @Sky Global Holdings Corp., and @New Path Holdings have started up back up what I think might have been the biggest functional alliance the game ever saw (don't hold me on this) but anyhow, we have started up again for real, now that World B has restarted and it's viable to start a new airline If you left you should rejoin 🙂
  18. I believe as time progresses, according to historic release dates, aircraft will become available.
  19. You could outsource flights to other airlines
  20. I've hacked sky global's feed muahhahahahahhahaha

  21. Can someone help me figure out how to get newer planes in world B
  22. No, it was originally supposed to be part of the update that introduced staff but was never finished. Might come some time though
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