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  1. A very helpful feature that I haven't seen mentioned yet is the ability to view world data from the world selection screen. That way, you don't have to create a phony company to research airports. I have no idea how easy or difficult this would be to ad from a coding standpoint, and I also have no idea if it is actually a feature because I am a complete noob.
    1 point
  2. Hey folks! As you all wait for 0.3 I have added into the database a host of open skies agreements and specialized political restrictions that should expand the game while you wait for 0.3. This was already implemented in the sim some time ago, though the data for these was never entered. The new changes are listed below, enjoy! Flight Restrictions US - Cuba, except exclusively between the following airports (there are others, but I lost the complete list, if you know which airports are missing please let me know): US: JFK, MIA CU: HAV US - DPRK (North Korea) Open Skies Agreements For these agreements, any airline based in one of the member nations can fly freely between or within any of the other members nations (an airline based in France may fly between Spain and Germany for example), for flights outside the agreement they still must originate or terminate in their home country. EU Open Skies Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden US (Partial member, EU members can fly to/from US from any of the member countries but can't fly within the US) Australia - New Zealand Open Skies Australia New Zealand (duh) ASEAN Open Skies Myanmar Thailand Vietnam Laos Philippines Cambodia Brunei Malaysia Singapore Indonesia Another restriction that I was thinking of implementing but was doubtful on (which is why I didn't implement these sooner, and why I'm not implementing it here) is Israel. Israel is weird, it only allows international flights to specific airports, which to me seems almost too restrictive but might make for an interesting challenge. Not sure where I stand on it, but would like to hear your feedback.
    1 point
  3. Good callout, I'll pin it in the game discussion category. These restrictions/agreements are not time based iirc.
    1 point
  4. I think that it would be helpful to have a multiselect feature when scheduling an aircraft, so you could select all of one type of aircraft and instead of manually selecting them all, you can use the multiselect to schedule them all the same way. Also a multiselect in the my aircraft page would be helpful for scrapping planes.
    1 point
  5. It would also be nice to have a feature where you can have an option on the market research page to delete all flights from a route, because otherwise it takes a very long time to manually click on every aircraft operating the route and delete each flight, especially on routes which over 20 planes fly on. It would also be helpful to have a way to remove all flights for just a singular plane.
    1 point
  6. Maybe you can look into if it is possible to have a page where you can see your overall effectiveness, reputation, and other similar stats compared to the industry and country average.
    1 point
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