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Hello there,


Considering that some aircraft have not came out yet in our real world, how come they are not in the sand box? Like I am really keen to get the Airbus A321XLR but we don't have the plane yet the date is 2090. But how come the Boeing 737 MAX 10 is out yet, it isn't in our real world. 


P.S.  this is not a complaint letter, but something to consider. 


Thanks so much. 

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It's a database thing. I do have a plan to get a new data management system (what I termed Mojave service) up in the near future, which will be a better system for database management and would allow y'all to suggest aircraft in a better way than a forum post (adding planes to the database right now is a huge hassle). This would allow all data to be added to the sim (aircraft, airports, political restrictions, etc.) much easier and would even allow y'all to make suggestions in the system itself that I could then just review and accept rather than having to manually add stuff in. Until then not really doing any data edits. 

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