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Everything posted by sviridovt

  1. Yep, Arcade worlds were added in the end of last year so did not exist in 2022.
  2. I should also mention that forums currently runs on a separate server, something that I also want to address with this migration as it's quite pricey as a result of maintaining 2 servers.
  3. You didn't crash the server I did, I'm currently in the process of migrating to a better service and working on testing some changes to improve operations on the new server (given the costs involved with provisioning the new server since I'm paying for 3 years forward I do want to avoid getting it until it's ready) and one of the setup steps messed up the networking configurations for LXC (current containerization we're using) so that the sim couldn't connect to the internet, which the sim is required to connect to forums for authentication
  4. The server has been restarted and has recovered
  5. Good callout, I'll pin it in the game discussion category. These restrictions/agreements are not time based iirc.
  6. Check the flights that you're operating and if you're operating out of A gates, if you have really long turn arounds that would cost significantly since those gates charge a per minute rate after 1 hour.
  7. World Arcade II Timeframe: 2020-2200 Starting Money: $10 Million World Speed: 7 Days/30 Minutes Difficulty/Rules: Arcade, no political restrictions or aircraft release dates.
  8. Yeah the spammers are annoying. One of the reasons I am switching away from IPBoard in the near future, it used to provide really good anti-spam features but don't seem to work anymore, worse yet since they removed plugin support in recent versions there are no third party solutions. Not worth the $100 per year.
  9. Maybe some day there will be limited ability to expand terminal that's cheaper than building a new one, but not a priority right now
  10. Hey folks, as mentioned in another post I am starting world B X before world B IX is officially over to give people a chance to join in. I do have a plan to change the world structure up a bit hence this world will run shorter than World Bs have in the past, instead we will soon be starting a Dynasty mode world (realistic restrictions but 7 day turns) that would run from 1935 to 2035 that is meant to replace World B as a long term realistic world. Further, I accidentally let World C I run faster which messed with my schedule, as such World C will not be reset for some time to ensure constant availability of fresh worlds for people to join. As such, the following is World B X: World B X: imeframe: 1950-1985 World Speed: 10 Minutes/day (45 minutes/day until Sunday, June 16th to give people time to join and set up their airlines) Starting Money: $5,000,000 Rules/Difficulty: Normal/5 Instant deliveries for new airlines Thanks y'all!
  11. No, you would need to build a new terminal
  12. Are you getting an error? You shouldn't have any restrictions on the account.
  13. What do you mean? You shouldn't need to lease fatss from a terminal that you own, you already own these gates
  14. Yes, email does not currently work. I do have plans to migrate the forum as it's still on the old server which will fix it once that's done.
  15. I don't know, try logging into some of your alts and find out ;)
  16. I apologize for the delay, I have been taking a bit of a break. That said, I have investigated and found that both @skill issue and @LID_Airways (who are the same person) have exploited a previously unknown issue that allowed them to build terminals with negative gates. Since terminal build costs are a set cost (depending on how many terminals already exist) plus a per gate cost. Due to an oversight, there was no validation to ensure that the number of gates was greater than 0 and due to the way the formula works a negative value would allow you to be charged a negative amount, thus giving the player money. No gates were constructed as a result but terminals with 0 gates. This issue has since been fixed and deployed to prod. As for @skill issue, I have found a total of 12 forum account associated with the user (though not all with airlines). I have permanently banned all except @skill issuethemselves. All of the accounts (including @skill issue) have been permanently banned from the sim though I will reconsider if @skill issue reaches out over a PM after 90 days. All of the airlines associated with all of the accounts (totaling 17 airlines, 5 of which have been found to abuse the issue above) have been removed. Thus far I have not really created a formal system for banning folks, mostly because there have not been too many issues that required my intervention however clearly over the last few months we have gotten to that point, hence will prioritize that effort. In the meanwhile please enjoy the temporary ban page! Thanks to @Sky Global Holdings Corp. for flagging the issue down, and to @skill issue for being obvious enough to make it easy to catch. Thanks!
  17. Ok that is kinda weird, let me look into it.
  18. Sorry didn't see your post. Please email me from the same email as your original account to artem (at) sviridov.us with your username and I will reset your password and put it in the email.
  19. B IX is still running the old fuel model, the new fuel model had all the planes audited so it should be fixed there.
  20. Which world is that?
  21. Hmm, will try to take a look tonight.
  22. Are you sharing the gate with your alliance? If not then that is a bug. Which world is this in?
  23. Press the little envelope next to notifications and compose new
  24. You can send in private messages but that's difficult to moderate considering I have neither an easy way nor the desire to read PMs (I suppose I could go into the DB and read them if I really wanted to, but I'd need a really good reason to go through the effort). So if you open a link in PMs, I'm sorry but you're on your own then.
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