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More Worlds


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Can you add more worlds to create airlines in? It would make the game a-lot more fun and easier. It is very hard to start an airline unless you join within the first year. There is also only one world option that we can really join, because the other one has already passed the date. It would be a-lot more fun if we could have more options for world to join. It would also mean less players per world, and therefore it would be easier to concur the routes. I would like it if we could make our own world, and if we could set the number of players aloud (maybe for a price). As well as the usual public worlds.

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I plan to restart Arcade I in the near future (I wanted to have a bit of a gap with it being very close to World B reset), I do also have a long term strategy for more worlds that I haven't finalized but in general I want to move towards a more shorter, but faster moving worlds.

Further I'm working on addressing an issue caused by the last update to prod, whereby since it was pushed latency has slowly creeped up across the board. This is due to a slight increase in CPU utilization for the prod container, likely caused by a bug fix whereby flights weren't forced to update in some scenarios where they should be. This significantly increased the load on the container and thus increased latency on average. I am working on addressing this but would be necessary before adding any additional worlds. I do have a long term plan to bring on another server (in FRA, in addition to the current server in ATL) though this will have to happen after IPB deprecation to keep the finances in control (currently it runs on a separate server). 


That said, my current plans for the worlds however are as follows: 

  • World A IV: 1970-2000 (1 day every 10 minutes)
  • World B X: 1950-1980 (1 day every 10 minutes)
  • World C I: 2000-2030 (1 day every 10 minutes) 
  • Arcade I: 2000-2150 (1 week every 30 minutes) 
  • Campaign 1: 1940-2050 (1 week every 30 minutes, all realism rules apply)


These are bound to change of-course and will be launched in a staggered manner (plan to start around March) but that is the current plan. 


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Ok, I did a deep dive into the increase of latency since last update and it appears to be false alarm, after not being able to understand where the latency was coming from (since all of the page specific metrics/alarms were not showing any increase) I discovered that the issue is in the metrics scraping request which has seen a massive increase in latency. Not sure why, no updates to metrics were released in the update but either way there is no impact to the players. See graph below where green represents the total P95 latency (latency of the slowest 5% of requests) and yellow represents P95 if we exclude metrics requests (note that the update in question was released to prod on 12/27). 



As such, I will be launching Arcade I later today seeing as there are no latency concerns. 

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