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  1. Yesterday
  2. GARY


    Thanks. I never noticed anything like this in any previous games.
  3. B IX is still running the old fuel model, the new fuel model had all the planes audited so it should be fixed there.
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  8. GARY


    It is in world B-IX. I have each plane configured to hold 385 people-DC-10 and 552 people on the 777-300. The profit for each segment is $3980 for the 777 and 143,000 for the DC-10. Seems very strange.
  9. Which world is that?
  10. dc-10s are just more efficient sometimes, i have no idea why but that's how the game works
  11. Last week
  12. How many pax can each take?
  13. Can someone please explain how a 777-300 flying from BUR-HND can make less money than a DC-10-30 with the same fares and both with 100% load factor? How can a DC-10 be more fuel efficient than a 777-300? Thanks
  14. so glad that doxxing people can just be considered funny
  15. @HunterJerry join the Star Alliance with 5 people you will get free gates as well
  16. Also I've notice terminal A all 50 gate are empty but it say no gate available to lease
  17. No i have no alliance, I'm in the C I world https://prod.airsim.world/switchAirline?switchTo=7027
  18. Are you sharing the gate with your alliance? If not then that is a bug. Which world is this in?
  19. I built a terminal for my airline but now I noticed some other airline using my gate but I don't see if I'm getting pay for it or there is an option to kick them off my gate
  20. If I did then I do not know how to change it back
  21. @Sky Global Holdings You're not able to receive messages (at least for me, I can't send messages to you for some reason). Did you disable it or something?
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