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Everything posted by sviridovt

  1. Which airline and airport?
  2. You can create an inflight service profile under 'My Airline' section, after you create one you can start putting it onto your flights, this will increase the reputation for your flight depending on how you set it up and (in theory) allow you to charge higher prices.
  3. There is technically support for that in the existing loans/debts system though it is not currently enabled. Don't remember why I never enabled it, might be worth a look to see if it can be done so.
  4. There was a deployment that happened so some wonkiness is expected immediately following. Let me know if you're still having issues.
  5. For context, as runaway tasks were executed, this caused the infrastructure container CPU utilization to spike (green line, yellow line is the ephemeral service container) due to all the database operations. This caused multiple issues including failure of multiple tasks and even some service calls (mostly due to database errors related to blocking calls), caused task execution times to be excessive (new day tasks were running in the realm of 30 minutes, whereby they usually take about 30 seconds) and eventually crash entirely. The root cause was a race condition in the way that the new day task handled arcade world (since it advances by 7 days rather than 1), causing more new day tasks to be scheduled than were supposed to. This was not the issue in previous event manager due to a check for a scheduled event that prevented it, but this check did not work as expected in new flow.
  6. Arcade I is unpaused, so far I'm not seeing any issues but will keep monitoring so it appears letting the tasks time out resolved the issue. Thanks!
  7. World timer for B IX was re-activated and running normally. Arcade I will remain paused for the time being.
  8. Also FYI, I have temporarily paused both world, I believe the fix is working however the tasks themselves are backed up and I have to let them run their course, so will keep things paused until then.
  9. Yes, I deployed a new change to deprecate the event manager which inadvertently created a race condition. I have pushed code to fix the issue and am testing it out now. Thanks!
  10. He's actually the alliance leader and runs it as a dictator
  11. I have now deployed the changes to prod and so we are officially not using the event manager in favor of a pure celery based backend. Will make sure to monitor things to ensure everything is still operating smoothly but do let me know if you experience any issues. Thanks!
  12. I have restarted the event manager. I'm working on deprecating the current event manager which should fix these issues. The new system is running in Alpha but am still having some issues with it hence why didn't deploy to prod. Thanks! We are partially off of event manager currently, with celery managing the actual task execution (this is working as expected) but the event manager itself (which is still used to orchestrate tasks) is having issues.
  13. There is currently no way to lease a gate out (though something that could be interesting to add), you can share your gates with your alliance but you do not receive any revenue for it.
  14. I will try to look at it over the weekend, I've been doing a lot of traveling for work over the past month (just got home for the first time in 3 weeks yesterday night) so have had very little time to focus on ASW.
  15. I do actually have something similar planned for as part of the maintenance update coming after the fuel update is done. I want to also take that as an opportunity to revisit reputation since there currently isn't a good representation of reputation in game despite it having a significant impact on passenger preferences.
  16. Yep, after leasing gates or building a terminal it should automatically re-adjust your gates to fit your flights into those gates if possible. There was a bug whereby that part of the code would crash but has since been fixed circa 1-2 weeks ago. Let me know if issues persist. Thanks!
  17. Interesting, I'll take a look later. Trying to finish redesigning event manager that's blocking some notifications I want to add, as I don't want to add new events without finishing the event manager redesign
  18. The new demand system is not up yet, but the current demand system should not produce those results. Which route is this on? If it's competitive enough and your competition has high enough reputation I can see something like that happening.
  19. I do have a long term plan to add cargo though not a priority at the moment. My current major priorities for 2024 are a demand system and UI redesigns, I am still unsure about the prioritization beyond that.
  20. At present I'm planning to rework the demand system to be more dynamic such that you can implement different pricing strategies depending on your strategy. With that in mind, such a system would not work. I haven't decided what the default price should be in that scenario either, though I'm at present steering towards some kind of a default price per mile for each service class.
  21. I have added the new notifications which have been deployed throughout the sim as a replacement for the existing mail system, but also as part of the notifications card. I still have a few more notification types to add (as well as competitive outlook, which is just a different type of notification that is separate from all the others). Looking into the metrics everything appears to be doing well with regards to the new dashboard so once those new types get added I will enable the new dashboard as the default experience. I will leave the option to use the old dashboard for now as I am still working on getting all of the testing infrastructure in place to validate that breaking changes do not sneak into prod.
  22. Can you pass a link to the aircraft?
  23. Yeah, the flight scheduler is my biggest shame of the sim, I am prioritizing redesigning it as part of a broader UI overhaul which I'm starting with the new dashboard.
  24. I might play around with fonts more, I am using TailwindsCSS with this redesign and am still figuring out the exact design as far as fonts and the exact color scheme. I do want to go with something a bit more interesting
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