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Freedom Airways INC.

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  1. I was thinking something similar! I also thought it would be cool if when creating an airline there would be some sort of simple design software to make a logo (paint bucket, draw tool, layers, simple images, shapes tool, etc.). I don't personally need it because I regularly design things on photoshop, however people unfamiliar with graphic design may find it easier to personalize their brand and get immersed in the game. It would definitely decrease the amount of logoless airlines, which I feel like would add a bit more life into the sim. I also think that the create airline button should be a bit more obvious. I am not trying to criticize anything, but generally I feel like people on the internet want to try things and then learn them, not learn things and then try them. If someone hadn't personally recommended this website, and I had just stumbled across it, I might have simply closed out and forgot about it because the create airline button wasn't obvious. Something as simple as a big blue "create airline" button would probably do the trick. Might increase the number of users, idk.
  2. United Airlines is now in world C! We will be starting an OFFICIAL Star Alliance (why are there like 3 already?!). We will also be offering a 15% discount on ALL FLIGHTS to celebrate our grand opening! We can't wait to see you in the skies!
  3. Something else strange, how could he have gotten my friend’s name? I think he may have gotten his email and then simply used the last name, but how could he have accessed that?
  4. And can we confirm that he isn’t some 40 year old creep? There really isn’t any way that we can verify he was using a school moderated Chromebook I don’t think.
  5. I am legit concerned, how could he just find out location that easily?! I’m probably going to delete my account after this, but I just want to know if anyone can tell me how he could possibly find this out!?
  6. Holy crap. This is gold. Do you seriously think that this is going to convince anybody?
  7. Why would I get banned? Are you seriously that stupid you can't come up with anything else? Just stop talking already.
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