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  2. The issue is that the event manager keeps stopping after a few hours. I am on a work trip so have limited time but will take a look this weekend.
  3. I'm having the same issue on the new server, the demand is much higher than the supply, yet no matter how low the prices are, I have no passengers.
  4. @sviridovt Hi there, for some reason there is no passengers loading for like 3 hours straight, even if I put the price at 1 dollars. Could you please look into this. Thanks!!!!
  5. THIS IS AN OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE FROM THE OFFICE OF THE ISA DEPARTMENT OF RECORDS Hello, We have reviewed @rohithbala's vote in the ISA Elections of the Asian Aviation Authority Seat on the Senate, and it has been officially declared illicit. Upon investigation, it has been found that @rohithbala is not a part of the Asian Aviation Authority alliance, and therefore their vote does not count, unless they were to register and be accepted into the EAA. - Records Department International Senate of Alliances
  6. bhsd7th


    This seems cool though
  7. THIS IS AN OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE FROM THE OFFICE OF THE ISA DEPARTMENT OF RECORDS Hello, We have reviewed @rohithbala's vote in the ISA Elections of the European Aviation Authority Seat on the Senate, and it has been officially declared illicit. Upon investigation, it has been found that @rohithbala is not a part of the European Aviation Authority alliance, and therefore their vote does not count, unless they were to register and be accepted into the EAA. - Records Department International Senate of Alliances
  8. bhsd7th


    I’m new to this game
  9. bhsd7th


    Can you add stopovers?
  10. bhsd7th


    I think at least
  11. bhsd7th


    You can schedule flights from one country to another
  12. THIS IS AN OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE FROM THE OFFICE OF THE ISA DEPARTMENT OF RECORDS Hello, We have reviewed @rohithbala's vote in the ISA Elections of the OneWorld Seat on the Senate, and it has been officially declared illicit. Upon investigation, it has been found that @rohithbala is not a part of the Oneworld alliance, and therefore their vote does not count. - Records Department International Senate of Alliances
  13. THIS IS AN OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE FROM THE STRATEGIC DIVISION OF AURORA INTERNATIONAL AFFILIATED CONGLOMERATE LLC We hereby formally announce our withdrawal from the ISA Delegate Election of AAI. We will allot our vote to @rohithbala, so the official vote count for @rohithbala will be one higher than is shown in the poll above. We hope that @rohithbala will win the AAI seat on the ISA Senate and will represent the AAI fairly and actively. - Chief Strategic Officer, Aurora International Affiliated Conglomerate LLC
  14. Or maybe https://prod.airsim.world/airline/7061/
  15. Yesterday
  16. I have made it known that these alliances will not be taking part until further notice
  17. We also know MapleSyrupAir personally and have rectified the situation
  18. I would like to say that this would be difficult due to the routes that we run. My second best money maker is so long that you'd need a minimum of 400,000,000 to do it
  19. @rohithbala when you mentioned the so-called hypocrisy of threats, we weren't threatening them, we were stating what would happen if @Sky Global Holdings didn't support this much-needed reform. Please stop making assumptions without consulting us with actual information on the matter. We find it very offending and personally rude. @Sky Global Holdings, thank you for not making assumptions and being rude.
  20. The repercussions referred to was the fallout of @rohithbala working against our two groups. We again would like to ask @rohithbala to cease and desist all matters of threatening actions and to thank @Sky Global Holdings for their help during this troubling time
  21. I want to make it known that I am not abandoning anyone and that I would like to know who is threatening My airline and others
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