Hello, and welcome to AirSimWorld!
This thread will be a basic introduction to the game, so you have enough information to just hop in and enjoy!
So, this place is split into 3 parts. My Airlines, Forums and Game Guide. (there is also the Discord that you can join at any time).
Game Guide is this place, and is currently managed by me, Gibus Airline Group. If there are any topics that you want me to cover, just let me know here on the forums or in the discord server.
The Forums is where things about the game are discussed. There are subforums for suggestions for the game, and general discussions, along with a place for reporting bugs and exploits.
The main section will be My Airlines. When you click on that, you will get a new tab with the game in it. when you want to create a new airline, just click on the world, then next.
Then put in the details of your airline.
Once you've double checked the details, click create airline!
from there, you can head to my buying a plane and creating a route tutorial to learn the basics.
Now, some information about the game.
Each world has its time progression. Currently, the only world (world A) runs from 1970 to 2020. Each in-game day is 20 minutes IRL. As time passes, more planes will be available as they get developed.
You are constantly fighting other airlines in the world for the passengers and demand for the route, so make sure to be competitive or you lose out. Also be sure to make use of your monopoly in one destination, before someone else comes in and tries to take the demand for that location too.
If there are any more general tips, I will add them here.
Anyways, that's it! There are more tutorials on the way, so keep an eye out! Once again, if there are any questions, suggestions, improvements or concerns, just DM me here or over discord (Gibus#3769).
Until the next time, this is Gibus Airline Group, signing out!