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About This Alliance

This is a group of Europe-based airlines. These airlines are among the best in the world. While an airline with a base on a different continent can join, it is required that there must be at least one route operated by that airline in Europe. Everyone is welcome, and we are excited to have airlines from all over the world.
  1. What's new in this alliance
  2. @Sky Global Holdings Received. THIS IS AN OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE FROM THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE EUROPEAN AVIATION AUTHORITY Hello, We are glad to receive your application to join the European Aviation Authority. After being reviewed, New Agar Airlines has been approved to join the EAA. However, after being inspected by our Recruitment Division, it has been decided that Airbus Airlines is not eligible to join the EAA. While Airbus Airlines is based in Toulouse, France, Airbus Airlines only operates one route in Brazil. This violates Article I of the alliance rules. Therefore, currently, only New Agar Airlines will be joining the EAA. - President, European Aviation Authority
  3. New agar airlines https://prod.airsim.world/airline/6732/ Airbus Airlines https://prod.airsim.world/airline/6889/
  4. Today is the anniversary of the European Aviation Authority!
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