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Everything posted by sviridovt

  1. Hey y'all! I have started a Discord server that I'll be on if you want to chat. Join here: https://discord.gg/JCrcgG
  2. At last! I am releasing the initial release. Please keep in mind that this is an initial release, this is also the first time its being tested by more than just me so there are no guarantees that the program will behave nicely when scaled up. Either way, you should now have the 'My Airlines' tab available at the top if you're logged in. This is the details about the world: PLEASE REPORT ALL BUGS TO THE ISSUE TRACKER, I CANT MAKE THIS GAME BETTER WITHOUT YOUR SUPPORT! Also, the game will have bugs, its an early Alpha release World A: Time-frame: January 1970-January-2020 Speed: 30 Minute days first IRL week, 20 minute days afterwards Starting cash: $50,000,000 (loans/leases not yet implemented, but are slated for 0.2) Also, unfortunately the person whom I hired to do the database entry kind of screwed up on a lot of the information, so feel free to submit corrections or new aircraft models here: Much Appreciated! Enjoy!
  3. While you're waiting, I've made this awful tutorial that I wont be using, but might as well post here. Excuse the mic quality, I had to use a lot of audacity to get rid of noise.
  4. To request a new aircraft addition submit a reply to this thread with the following format (For corrections or additions to existing planes only submit the relevant parts): Series Name (eg. Boeing 737, Airbus A330 etc.): Model Name (eg. Boeing 737-700, Airbus A330-200 etc.): Base Cost: Crew Count (pilots only): Cabin Length: Cabin Width: Number of Doors: [If double decked] Second Deck Length: Second Deck Width: Second Deck Number of Doors: [endif] Maximum Capacity: First Flight Date: Stop Production Date: Maximum Cycles (if possible, not always easy to find): Take off Roll (m): Empty Weight (kg): Max Fuel Weight (kg): Max Hold Payload (kg): MTOW (kg): Turnaround time (min): [For each engine option:] Engine Manufacturer: Engine Model: Cost: Empty Range (nm): Full Range (nm): Speed (knots):
  5. Please post any new airports you'd like to see implemented here along with any errors you find in the current game. Here is the template to use for new airports: Airport Name: Airport Country: Decimal Latitude: Decimal Longitude: Length of Longest Runway: Source: To correct something wrong in the database just leave it on this thread
  6. A brief update. Everything is ready on my end, I'm just testing out the final production server. However, the person I hired to do data entry is still working on it and (according to her) it will be done tomorrow. Once its done, I'll import the aircraft into the game and release it.
  7. After working on this game for over a year (admittedly very on-and-off), I am happy to announce that I will be releasing the first public Alpha release within the next few days. Although this is an initial Alpha release, which will be far from perfect, I am happy to be finally releasing it publicly. I hope to create something that a lot of fellow aviation nerds will enjoy, and I hope that you will stick around to see it. With that in mind, here is what ASW is and what its core features are: What is AirSimWorld? AirSimWorld is an online Airline Tycoon Business Simulator that tries to accurately emulate what it would be like to run a real airline. The goal is to give player a choice to run the most RyanAir-esque, no frills, bringing your arms on board costs extra airline, to the most prestigious gulf carriers, or anything in between. You can run a hub-and-spoke airline, relying on connections at your hubs to give you traffic, or a point to point model. The choice is yours! Dynamic Cabin Classes Unlike most Airline Tycoon style games, ASW doesn't limit you to having only certain classes, there is no such thing as 'business class' passenger, instead every passenger has a price they're willing to pay and certain perks they expect for that price. This gives you freedom to classify your airline however you wish, but be careful, offer too many perks to the premium economy passengers, and you might just see that they wont buy that business class ticket after all. Real Passengers, Real Itineraries The passengers flying your airline are real passengers with real itineraries and real connections. Cancelling one flight will have an impact across your network of routes, so plan carefully! Real Maintenance In ASW, maintenance is not an ongoing cost, each plane has its own maintenance record, with its own maintenance needs. Different checks will require a different amount of money. You might want to sell off your planes before they require a D check!
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